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Daily Archives: May 7, 2018

Buttermilk Pancakes

Buttermilk pancakes, especially with mini chocolate chips, are a weekly breakfast in our house. I am not a fan of boxed pancake mix. The page-long ingredients give me the creeps, not to mention the boatloads of sugar, and they seem only to make pancakes that resemble hockey pucks. I found this easy recipe years ago, and it has been a go-to weekday breakfast ever since. To make the prep faster for the morning rush, I pre-mix the dry ingredients into small plastic containers, and I write the dry ingredients on the lid. This way, in the mornings…

Competitive Junior Tennis: Is It Worth It?

I often get the question from tennis parents, “Is the craziness of competitive junior tennis really worth it?” Competitive junior tennis isn’t an easy path, and it certainly isn’t for everyone, but for those of us who have come out the other side, the answer is a resounding “YES!” “Junior Tennis Survivors”: That is what we have named our Facebook Group. Some have said that sounds negative, but we wear it with pride as a badge of honor. We have a unique bond. We understand each other without having seen each other…