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Browsing Tag: scheduling

3 Things College Coaches Look For In Recruits

1. College Coaches Want to See the Player Compete College coaches want to see that you are competing and improving. The simple fact is that college tennis is tougher than junior tennis. Coaches need to know you can rise to the level of play and adjust to the collegiate environment. College coaches don’t want the players who run and hide from competition. Let me repeat, coaches don’t want players who run and hide from competition. If you are avoiding competition to protect your UTR or ranking, you are focusing on the wrong things. We hear constant stories of…

15 Takeaways for Coaches & Parents from “RANGE”, by David Epstein

When Epstein began writing about the data that athletes who go on to become the elite are usually not the specializers, the reactions from parents was pure disbelief. Can’t be true! Maybe in some other sport, but that isn’t true in our sport! Right?! We all learned from Gladwell’s 10,000 hours, deliberate practice, Tiger Mom, and from Earl Woods developing Tiger, before the age of 2. We all get caught up in the rat race to keep up, but research is showing that this form of early hyper-specialization isn’t the…

Junior Tennis Budget Spreadsheet

It is ironic that I am sharing a junior tennis budget spreadsheet with everyone.  I am not known for my spreadsheet- or budget- abilities and taking an Excel class has been on my to-do list for too many years to admit. Hence, a major shout out, THANK YOU, to the spreadsheet addict in my life, who has a spreadsheet for everything and whipped this one up in no time. You may be like me and have a good idea of where your funds are spent but just not organized in a way to analyze the hard costs.  If so…