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Category: Books

Simple Goal Setting for Athletes

As a former collegiate and professional tennis player, I know the value of setting goals. I am a huge proponent of setting goals, especially with student-athletes. In my work as a coach and a parent, I know how challenging the process can be! The challenge is finding “their goal, their dream, and what they are willing to do to get there.” Download my free eBook Here In this eBook, I outline the steps I use in my work setting goals with athletes. I have attached worksheets and resources to help you with the process. I hope you find it…

15 Takeaways for Coaches & Parents from “RANGE”, by David Epstein

When Epstein began writing about the data that athletes who go on to become the elite are usually not the specializers, the reactions from parents was pure disbelief. Can’t be true! Maybe in some other sport, but that isn’t true in our sport! Right?! We all learned from Gladwell’s 10,000 hours, deliberate practice, Tiger Mom, and from Earl Woods developing Tiger, before the age of 2. We all get caught up in the rat race to keep up, but research is showing that this form of early hyper-specialization isn’t the…